Work Experience

Processor Technolgy, Pleasanton, CA -Director, Graphics Research
VMS SystemsBerkeley, CA -President
Via Video Systems Inc., Cupertino, CA -V.P. Research & Development
Warner Atari Labs, NY -Researcher
Initiated and specified parameters for 10K & Gatearray for real time memory address manipulation (Chip working and owned by Digital-FX)
Vertigo Computer Imaging, Vancouver, BC -Director of R &D
 Initiated and specified hardware and software for large 3D modelling
system in addition to staffing nine out of fifteen staff members
Time Arts, Santa Rosa, CA -Researcher: Investigated hardware and software for Post Production and Anamaion.
Initiated change reducing cost of animation system by over 40%
Droidworks Div. Lucas Films, San Rafael, CA
Ran a project to build a graphics accelerator for the Sun Workstation
Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, CA
Graphics Research (Video)
Optimotion, S.F, CA -Director/Producer
Corp. Video - Del Monte Corp

Consultant/Client List

 Warner Brothers Corporation
 Bendix Corporation
 Zoetrope Pictures
 Paramount Pictures
 Digital Image Production
 Digital Effects, New York City
 Videowest Productions - San Francisco
 Board of Directors - Utopia Video
 White House Conference on Children
 Alternate Media Center, NYU
 National Endowment for the Arts - Technology Advisor
 New York State Council on the Arts
 Rockefeller Foundation
 Genigraphics Corporation
 Fernseh Corporation, Div. of Bosch Organization
 Communications Programming International
 Peripherals Marketing Inc
 Video Engineering - Responsible for Sun to Video Conversion Box
 RGB Technology
 Pinacle Systems
 Dubner International
 Romulus Productions
 Morgan & Finnegan/Mudge Rose (Co Council/Litigators for Nintendo)
 Brown & Bain (Council for Sega & Yes Corporation)
 Rutt Video Inc. NYC
 IBM/MTV - Advisor on New Technology Applications
 Townsend & Townsend
 Teklicon (various Law firms)


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